
SMART TAX USA - Alabama State Manufacturing Exemptions

Sales & Use Tax Exemptions

Pollution Control Equipment. Equipment or materials purchased primarily for the control, reduction, or elimination of air or water pollution are exempt from sales and use tax under Alabama law (Sections 40-23-4(a)(16) and 40-23-62-(18)).

Raw Materials. Tangible personal property used by manufacturers or compounders as an ingredient or component part of their manufacturing or compounded product are specifically exempt from sales and use tax under Alabama law (Sections 40-23-1(a)(9)b and 40-23-60(4)b).

Utility Gross Receipts Tax Exclusion. Alabama law (Sections 40-21-83 and 40-21-103) allows exclusions from the utility gross receipts tax and the utility service use tax if electricity or natural gas is used in an electrolytic or electro-thermal manufacturing or compounding process.

Other exemptions for sales and use taxes are described in the Sales & Use Tax Laws.

Sales Tax Enterprise Zone Exemption

This exemption is offered to help encourage economic growth in areas considered to have depressed economies (Section 41-23-30, Code of Alabama 1975). To qualify for this incentive, a business must meet detailed requirements concerning site location and employee qualifications

Exemption Certificate Link

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• State Tax Audit Defense
• State Manufacturing Exemptions
• Reverse Audits


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More than 5,000 U.S. jurisdictions have changed their sales and use tax legislation in the last decade. SMART TAX USA determines how these law changes provide additional exemptions, credits and tax incentives for your company.

State Courts are constantly interpreting sales tax laws and regulations. SMART TAX USA deciphers these complex laws and regulations to maximize cost saving benefits.

In today’s economy many states are adding additional tax exemptions, credits and tax incentives to create job growth within the manufacturing and industrial spectrum. SMART TAX USA specialized, comprehensive analysis can determine how these new exemptions directly affect your business and could result in a reduction of current and future tax liabilities providing significant tax savings for your business!

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